The Never-Ending Music Career Loop-De-Loop-De-Loop-De-Loop-De...

Or something like that.

Years of careful observation and careless participation in the music industry have lead to the creation of this list; one girl's interpretation of how a career starts, continues, fizzles, rises, plummets, nearly kills, and then starts back up again.

The Never-Ending Music Career Loop-De-Loop-De-Loop-De-Loop-De...

  1. I LOVE MUSIC.  Music is a magical human experience.  It connects people who would otherwise be strangers and gives us the feelz.  Like, ALL the feelz.  Happy when you need happy.  Melancholy when you need melancholy.  It’s mystical, and I’m determined to be a part of it.  I will build my life around this.  I don't need to make it big. The emotional satisfaction is enough.
  2. Never mind, I'm TOTALLY going to make it big!  Rando Dude in Bar wants to work together!!  He’s a producer. Or a sound engineer.  Or the security guard for a sound studio.  I don’t remember.  He’s semi-related to music, and HE wants to work with ME!!!!  Who says music is hard?
  3. Rando Dude in Bar turned out to be a creep/flake/not helpful in any way.  That’s okay. People dig this.  Keep playing.  The right opportunity will come.  
  4. Oscillate between Steps 2 and 3 for an undetermined period of time.  The Rando Dudes in Bars become progressively more credible.  And progressively more flakey.
  5. This isn’t going to be handed to me.  I'm going to have to put the work in and do it on my own. Prove myself until they come to me in a non-flakey kind of way.  
  6. Work.  Work.  Work.
  7. It’s time for a break from all this work!  I need to figure out who I am as an artist.  I need to write.  Go to shows.  Go to brunch.  I used to love brunch.  I used to have friends.  And interests.  Breathe in.
  8. Breathe out.  Break over.  This time, I'm ready.  With a new sound.  It’s good.  It’s worth dedicating every cell membrane in my body to.  This could be it.  The turning point. What changes everything.  Move into a cave.  Who needs sunlight?  I have this new project.  Screw Vitamin D.
  9. Project falls through.  
  10. I suck at this.  Who did I think I was to even try?  Everyone else is talented and I’m terrible.  
  11. Scratch that.  Everyone is terrible.  I HATE MUSIC.  All music.  If you need me, I’ll be listening to podcasts.  Self-help podcasts.  Trying to help myself right out of anything involving music.
  12. I LOVE MUSIC.  Music is a magical human experience.  It connects people who would otherwise be strangers and gives us the feelz.  Like, ALL the feelz.  Happy when you need happy.  Melancholy when you need melancholy.  It’s mystical, and I’m determined to be a part of it.  I will build my life around this.  I don't need to make it big. The emotional satisfaction is enough.
  13. And so on....

Throughout the progressing levels of our beautiful careers, I have found this cycle to be ever-present. It's a roller coaster you can never get off. Maybe it’s a choice.  Maybe it’s not.  Maybe it's okay either way.

Love Love Love, Kat
*Pic from Dr. Peggy Malone's Facebook Page

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