Dove Pearl of Wisdom #4

In the history of my life, there has never been a time when I've bought both and later thought it was the right decision.  Not because of the obvious financial consequences, but because inevitably, after I've bought both, I will strongly prefer one over the other, and wish I'd just bought two of that one rather than one of each.  Be it ice cream flavors or dresses, one will sadly melt away while I shamelessly wear the other one fives days in a row.  

I will say, the only reason Buy Both might not be the worst advice ever, is that it is nearly impossible to see which item will be your favorite until you leave the store and, probably, clip off the tags.  But why not try... 50/50 shot, right? 

Having a bunch of stuff you don't love is a bummer.  Especially in teeny tiny NYC apartments.  I've been de-cluttering like crazy this year, and I've turned my room into a space that encourages creativity.  The lack of stuff gives me room to think and grow.  At least, that's how I interpret it.  

But then I just came across a million articles about how mess leads to creativity.  So, maybe just disregard everything I said, and buy both.  What do I know?

Dove Dove Dove,

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